The Grand Slam of Curling and Princess Auto are running a challenge within Toronto Curling Association clubs as to who can sell the highest average amount of single draw tickets per member basis for the 2024 Princess Auto Players’ Championship. TCA clubs will be given a unique code to use when buying tickets online. The top 4 clubs with the highest ticket sale average will be given the opportunity to play one of their club finals on Grand Slam arena ice at Mattamy Athletic Centre in Toronto following the Friday, April 12 night draw of the Princess Auto Players’ Championship.
What clubs are eligible for the Princess Auto TCA Challenge?
All clubs apart of the Toronto Curling Association are eligible. Clubs will be awarded points based on relative size of membership.
This year, there is no grouping of clubs, rather, and all clubs are competing against each other on an average sales per member basis. In this case the top four clubs with the highest average per membership can win the TCA challenge, instead of one per group as in past years.
How and where do I enter my promo code?
During the seat selection process, click the ‘Unlock” button to enter and apply promo code.

What promo code should I use to ensure my club gets the points?
A list of individual promo codes for each club can be found here:
Club Name | Promo Code |
Brampton Curling Club | TCABrampton |
Chinguacousy Curling Club | TCAChing |
Dixie Curling Club | TCADixie |
Donalda Curling Club | TCADonalda |
East York Curling Club | TCAEast |
Granite Club | TCAGranite |
High Park Curling Club | TCAHigh |
King Curling Club | TCAKing |
Leaside Curling Club | TCALeaside |
Mississaugua Golf & Country Club | TCAMiss |
Oakville Curling Club | TCAOakville |
Oshawa Curling Club | TCAOCC |
Oshawa Golf & Curling Club | TCAOGCC |
Port Perry Club | TCAPort |
Richmond Hill Curling Club | TCARichmond |
Royal Canadian Curling Club | TCARoyal |
Tam Heather Curling & Tennis Club | TCATam |
The Thornhill Club | TCAThornhill |
Toronto Cricket, Skating & Curling Club | TCACricket |
Unionville Curling Club | TCAUnionville |
Whitby Curling Club | TCAWhitby |
York Curling Club | TCAYork |
When and where will the finals be played?
The finals will be played following the completion of the evening draw at the 2024 Players’ Championship on Friday, April 12. Games would begin at approximately 9:30 p.m. The Games for the four winning teams will be played on the Grand Slam of Curling ice at Mattamy Athletic Centre (50 Carlton St.; formerly Maple Leaf Gardens)
Who officiates the games?
Clubs will officiate their own games, while Sportsnet and the Grand Slam of Curling will provide all other resources; including team signs, emcee services, time clocks.
Will I be able to watch the final if I am not playing?
Yes! All are welcome to join. Fans can purchase a ticket to Friday night’s draw at the Princess Auto Players’ Championship to stay and watch club finals. Additionally, the on-ice Jackpot City Lounge will remain open during the finals. Tickets can be purchased at thegrandslamofcurling.com/tickets.
When will you announce the winning clubs?
We will announce the winners on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.
If my club wins, how is it decided which league final will be played on April 12?
We leave this to the discretion of each winning club as to how they pick which final will be played. Please consult your club manager for more information.